Peer-reviewed publications

Animal Biomimetics: Public Health

2. Parlin AF, Yermakov M, Stratton SM, Reutman SR, Culley TM, Guerra PA, Grinshpun SA. 2022. Effect of double masking with silk or cotton over-masks on the source control capabilities of a surgical mask. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 22, 220036, link to paper

1. Parlin AF, Stratton SM, Culley TM, Guerra PA. 2020. A laboratory-based study examining the properties of silk fabric to evaluate its potential as a protective barrier for personal protective equipment and as a functional material for face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS ONE, 15(9): e0239531, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239531. link to paper

Animal Extended Phenotypes: Architectural Design

4. Parlin AF, Guerra PA. 2021. Dimorphic cocoons of the robin moth, Hyalophora cecropia, reflect the existence of two distinct architectural syndromes. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224(10): jeb239780, doi: 10.1242/jeb.239780. link to paper

3. Guerra PA, Lawson LP, Gatto LJ, Albright ME, Smith SJ. 2020. Architectural evolution in cocoons spun by Hyalophora (Lepidoptera; Saturniidae) silk moth species. Scientific Reports, 10: 5615, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62547-1. link to paper

2. Sehadova H, Guerra PA, Sauman I, Reppert SM. 2020. A re-evaluation of silk measurement by the cecropia caterpillar (Hyalophora cecropia) during cocoon construction reveals use of a silk odometer that is temporally regulated. PLoS ONE, 15(2): e0228453, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228453. link to paper

1. Guerra PA, Reppert SM. 2017. Dimorphic cocoons of the cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia): Morphological, behavioral, and biophysical differences. PLoS ONE, 12(3): e0174023, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174023. link to paper

Animal Movement: Migration

13. Matter SF, Parlin AF, Taylor OR, Rich JA, Guerra PA. 2024. Meteorological conditions and flight speed during observed Eastern monarch fall migration events. The Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society, 78(1): 16-22, doi: 10.18473/lepi.78i1.a2.

12. Parlin AF, Kendzel MJ, Taylor OR, Culley TM, Matter SF, Guerra PA. 2023. The cost of movement: assessing energy expenditure in a long-distant ectothermic migrant under climate change. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226(21): jeb.245296, doi: 10.1242/jeb.245296. link to paper

11. Kendzel MJ, Parlin AF, Guerra PA. 2023. Gravisensation and modulation of gravitactic responses by other sensory cues in the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 226(21): jeb245451, doi: 10.1242/jeb.245451. link to paper

10. Parlin AF, Stratton SM, Guerra PA. 2022. A behavioral assay to test sensory-cue-guided oriented flight in monarch butterflies under controlled conditions. STAR Protocols, 3: 101920, link to paper

9. Guerra PA, Parlin AF, Matter SF. 2022. Lack of evidence for a fine-scale magnetic map sense for fall migratory Eastern North American monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9498, link to paper

8. Parlin AF, Stratton SM, Guerra PA. 2022. Oriented migratory flight at night: consequences of nighttime light pollution for monarch butterflies. iScience, 25: 104310, link to paper

7. Parlin AF, Stratton SM, Guerra PA. 2021. Assaying lepidopteran flight directionality with non-invasive methods that permit repeated use and release after testing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12:1699-1704, doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13648. link to paper

6. Guerra PA. 2020. The monarch butterfly as a model for understanding the role of environmental sensory cues in long-distance migratory phenomena. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 14: 600737, doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2020.600737. link to paper

5. Reppert SM, Guerra PA, Merlin C. 2016. Neurobiology of monarch butterfly migration. Annual Review of Entomology, 61: 25-42. link to paper

4. Guerra PA, Reppert SM. 2015. Sensory basis of lepidopteran migration: focus on the monarch butterfly. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 34: 20-28.

3. Guerra PA, Gegear RJ, Reppert SM. 2014. A magnetic compass aids monarch butterfly migration. Nature Communications, 5: 4164, doi: 10.1038/ncomms5164. link to paper

2. Guerra PA, Reppert SM. 2013. Coldness triggers northward flight in remigrant monarch butterflies. Current Biology, 23: 419-423. link to paper

1. Guerra PA, Merlin C, Gegear RJ, Reppert SM. 2012. Discordant timing between antennae disrupts sun compass orientation in migratory monarch butterflies. Nature Communications, 3: 958, doi: 10.1038/ncomms1965. link to paper

Animal Movement: Dispersal

4. Guerra PA. 2011. Evaluating the life-history trade-off between dispersal capability and reproduction in wing dimorphic insects: a meta-analysis. Biological Reviews, 86: 813-835.

3. Guerra PA, Pollack GS. 2010. Colonists and Desperadoes: different fighting strategies in wing dimorphic male Texas field crickets. Animal Behaviour, 79: 1087-1093.

2. Guerra PA, Pollack GS. 2009. Flight behaviour attenuates the trade-off between flight capability and reproduction in a wing polymorphic cricket. Biology Letters, 5: 229-231.

1. Guerra PA, Pollack GS. 2007. A life history trade-off between flight ability and reproductive behavior in male field crickets (Gryllus texensis). Journal of Insect Behavior, 20: 377-387.

Animal Sociality: Competition and Cooperation

2. Guerra PA, Mason AC. 2005. Information on resource quality mediates aggression between male Madagascar hissing cockroaches, Gromphadorhina portentosa (Dictyoptera: Blaberidae). Ethology, 111: 626-637.

1. Guerra PA, Mason AC. 2005. Male competition and aggregative behaviour are mediated by acoustic cues within a temporally unstructured aggregation. Behaviour 142: 71-90.

Animal Communication: Bioacoustics

2. Montealegre-Z F, Guerra PA, Morris GK. 2003. Panoploscelis specularis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pseudophyllinae): extraordinary female sound generator, male description, male protest and calling signals. Journal of Orthoptera Research 12: 173-181. link to paper

1. Guerra PA, Morris GK. 2002. Calling communication in meadow katydids (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae): female preferences for species-specific wingstroke rates. Behaviour 139: 23-43.